Álvaro and I will start off reviewing this beautiful Tea Advent Calendar while I learn how html works in order to do this thing. Enjoy!
Description: Green Tea from Fukien (China), with jasmine petals
Panchi: Very soothing, smooth to the tongue, with an "upper" jasmine flavor and smell that stays in the room. It needs a long time (at least half an hour) to start getting bitter, which is really good for a green tea. A great beginning.
Álvaro: Light, sweet, with a clear overtone of jazmin but still with a very present taste of green tea. It seemed to be a bit watery, requiring a higher ammount of tea or time. An easy and enjoyable tea once it reaches it's intended flavour.
Criteria 1: /10, Criteria 2: /10 Tannins/raspiness: Light (2/10)
Total: /10